Courses in Skillus
Flexible Course Options
Skillus allows teachers to create an unlimited number of courses with diverse pricing models, offering both free and paid options.
Modular Course Structure
The course creation feature enables teachers to design a structured learning journey by creating modules and lessons within each course.
Private Access and Group Management
Teachers can manage students' enrollment by adding them to the course manually, ensuring only authorized individuals can participate.
Time Duration Setting
Teachers can provide approximate time durations for each lesson or module to guide students on pacing their learning.
First steps to create a course
Once you’ve created a school you can add your first course by clicking on Add button on school page.
First steps to create a course
Add any type of content , including video, images, codes, files, etc. Make your content visually appealing by highlighting text, dividing it into columns or arranging as list.

Add background to the course. When no background image is uploaded, the system will show a default image
Add any type of content
Control panel
Once you press Continue you will see an extended control panel.
This is a powerful and intuitive interface that empowers administrators and teachers to efficiently manage all aspects of course creation and setup.
Here's an overview of the key features available in the control pane
You can publish the course or save it as a draft for further changes
Restrict access to a specific course, making it accessible only to authorized students
Start & End Dates
Start & End Dates
Set specific start and end dates for each course to make them available for enrollment and access only during the designated timeframe
Choose between a one-time payment and subscription when setting price for a paid course
Administrators can invite one or more teachers to the course. Teachers can then use the control panel to create and edit course content, manage assignments, and interact with students
Create and manage student groups within a course.
Group management allows to facilitate group-based learning and assign group-specific tasks and assessments.
Course Control
Course Control
Delete a course whenever you like
How to invite and add users to a course
With seamless versatility, administrators can effortlessly send invitations to new users via email, import existing users through CSV files, or re-engage those who were previously added to the system
You can add users - both teachers and students - by emails or from CSV
Add users
If a user has been added before - you can simply find it in the users list
Find users
Group creation and management
Each group has a curator.
The curator can be a teacher, a teaching assistant, or any other person responsible for guiding and supporting the students within that group.
Group arrow
Add group
Each group can be size-limited. Administrators are allowed to set a maximum number of students that can be enrolled in a specific group. This feature provides control over group sizes and ensures that the group remains manageable and effective for collaborative learning experiences
Group arrow
Group with filled info
Administrators can manage users - invite new ones or delete them. They can also see who has accepted invitation to the group and who hasn’t accepted it yet.
You can delete group whenever you like to
Group with filled info
Module and lesson creation
The course creation feature enables teachers to design a structured learning journey by creating modules and lessons within each course.
Control panel of the module
You can easily create lesson and assign them to different modules

For more info about lesson creation click here
Module and lesson creation
Create final exam for the course
Add final exam to the course.
The final exam serves as a comprehensive assessment that evaluates the students' overall understanding of the course material. It tests their knowledge and grasp of key concepts, ensuring that they have gained a solid foundation in the subject matter.
You will be redirected to exam creation page.
For more details click here
Final exam
Take control over your courses
Manage, deliver, and track your courses. Courses can be saved as drafts, published, ongoing, finished and arhived

Please note that you need to publish all lessons, home assignments, exams to have a course published. All unpublished tasks and lessons will not be visible in the published course
Course preview
Request Demo Access
You have the opportunity to use a 30-day demo access to familiarize yourself with the functionality of the platform